Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch
I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.

15 June 2011


"Anything is treasure if it is desired by someone else." - G.P. Taylor

God desires us, and we are His Treasure. Amazing to think about!! He desires us, our lives, our soul, to share Eternity with Him, more than anything else! Jesus used more parables regarding money and treasure than anything else, besides farming and nature. Wanna know why? EVERYONE who has ever spent five minutes on Earth knows that wealth is a great desire of our hearts; He knew that people would pay attention if he talked about treasure. He really does know our hearts. They are the image of His own, only corrupted by sin, which His is not.

We are His treasure. He loves us, seeks us, and desires us.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,


04 June 2011

Tribulation Force Review

The second book in the popular Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins continues to follow our four heroes, Cameron, Chloe, her father Ray and Pastor Bruce Barnes, as they struggle to survive being left behind after Christ returns to rapture his Church, and survive the End Times judgments of that infamous last book of the Bible, Revelation. Focusing on one of the four interpretations of Revelation by scholars, LaHaye and Jenkins cleverly craft an intriguing novel that is both political and deeply spiritual, resounding what rejection of Christ has in store for nonbelievers on Earth and bringing Revelation to life.

It's a fascinating, yet challenging, read. The four heroes are believable, and the world of Revelation that LaHaye and Jenkins creates is both frightening and realistic, realistic as one realizes that, according to the Bible, the Earth and its inhabitants will be punished in the last day - and perhaps are already experiencing the birth pains.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,


02 June 2011

News Stories from My Internship...!

...or most of them.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,


01 June 2011

Her Daughter's Dream Review

"Marta's Legacy: Her Daughter's Dream" is by Francine Rivers, a poignant and stunning Christian author with an amazing salvation story. Readers relate to Hildemara, Caroline and May Flower Dawn and how they interacted and responded to various historical events and the broken/injured relationships brought on by the hardships suffered by each of them, and of generational abuse and cycles of abuse. Francine Rivers makes them a real family, a real people she masterfully brings to life. The brilliant Francine Rivers immortalized herself with "The Mark of the Lion" series, her "Lineage of Grace" novellas and "Redeeming Love" and this book enhances her collection of writings all the more. She wrote them based on her own family and wove faith in God and Christ into every page. A touching aspect is that Marta's, the matriarch of sorts, daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter finally get to read Marta's letters to Rose, whose family has enjoyed them, not knowing that if her family had been able to read them, they would have been spared a lot of pain. This never even occurred to Marta, and why would it have? And how Marta desperately tries to keep Hildemara strong but in the end she makes Hildemara distant. But what's so sad is that Marta doesn't want Hildemara to be raped like her sister was and be seen as "weak," but in the end, it is her granddaughter she should have feared for. This should be read by anyone who feels distant from any member of their family, especially their mother and/or grandmother.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
