Here's a link to someone who addresses pornography in our society. - this is the media addressing it! - this is his personal website that has helped over 1.5 million people.
So what are my own personal views on pornography?
Since I live by a biblical worldview, I follow the Bible, including issues of sex, sexuality, and porn. Jesus would rather us be cold and absolutely not believers or pure, fiery Chrisitians rather than lukewarm believers. So if we're going to please God and earn our reward, we have to be on fire, which includes being pure.
Being a techinical virgin doesn't count, although it is a good thing. But a technical virgin still has problems - how far is too far? It's too far. Get right with God - stay far on the other side. Use this question: would Jesus be all right with how my boyfriend and I are acting? If Jesus showed up, would he say well done good and faithful servant or would he say, get away from me, I never knew you. (Yes, the King actually says that. Look it up in the Bible: - use servant as keyword. It's in Matthew.)
Let's hope the former.
That means fleeing sexual temptation. Fleeing implies that someone is chasing you...the devil or your flesh. The devil doesn't go after athiests or prostitutes. He checks on them, but he's already stolen, killed, and destroyed them. He goes after the Christians because he can and they are what he wants to steal, kill, and destroy, to hurt God.
As soon as you open your mouth to declare your beliefs in God, Satan's going to test whether or not it's true by tempting you. God lets him. Jesus longs to help you out of it.
While the Bible does not seem to say directly address masterubation, here are a few strengthening ones to help you overcome it. "Those with clean hands and a pure heart will ascend" and "If you cannot control yourself, then by all means get married."
Good old porn, which goes right along with masterubation. Porn is the gateway to deeper sexual issues and lifestyles. Once you are a master at porn, it will never stop. You will move on to fornication or adultry. Your sex life is over. Nothing will satisfy you. Don't open that door on purpose and when or if you do, slam it shut and FLEE.
Rest assured, Christ loves you eternally. He is always waiting for you. He lived, died, and rose again to bring you to heaven. Call on his name and He will come to save you. Believe in Him, Confess your sins, and admit you are a sinner and deserve hell.
Pray something like this:
Lord, forgive me for being a sinner and falling short of your glory. I believe in you with my entire heart. Jesus, please dwell in my heart and help me live a life pleasing to you. I confess my sins before you (list them off here) and ask for forgiveness and restoration and power from on high. I will live for your name and your glory and your power forever and ever. Thank you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Amen. I agree with you completely. Now you are saved and forgiven and God will help you.
One day I'm going to blog about what heaven REALLY is like. Tomorrow probably.
Lots of Love,
I am a laid-back person, but I am strong in my beliefs. I do not enjoy other people telling me how to believe or implying that everyone should be the exact same in their thinking. Christ died and rose again to take away away our sins and iniquities, not our minds, and he knitted us together in our mother's womb to make a difference in our world. I love people and God, and I can't wait to reach Heaven!
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More on porn.
Gateways to it are romance novels, computer images, ads, TV shows, comments, friends, magazines with nudity, sex scenes, etc. Avoid it at all costs. Love you all!
- Rachel
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