Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch
I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.

09 April 2011

'Hanna' review

    "Hanna" was a twisted but interesting movie. Although the sixteen-year-old girl was a murderer, she was a killer less by nature and more by nurture. "I don't want to hurt people anymore," she told the woman responsible for her birth, Marissa, who she was sent to kill. Her father, who turned out to be her adopted father in a surprising plot twist, raised her to be the perfect assassin in the forests of Finland, far from civilization. As part of her training, she could be attacked at any time, day or night, and always had to be ready and on her guard. One day she tells him she is ready to complete her mission, which is to kill Marissa before Marissa kills her (apparently, Marissa killed her mother and attempted to kill both her and her father when Hanna was only a year old, before her father escaped with her).
    He finally agrees, and we see him getting dressed to re-enter the world. He leaves her, and Marissa comes and finds her, our first hint that not all is right in the world Hanna's inhabiting and that her father might possibly have other reasons to kill Marissa. She kills someone disguised as Marissa, believing she killed Marissa, and then flees the compound, where she enters a world she knows about, but has never experienced. (Her father reads to her about the world from an encyclopedia.)
    She tries to elude assassins Marissa has sent after her, although for awhile it appears that she does not know about them, but is merely using the people she encounters to make her way back to her father. Eventually she realizes someone is after her. She finally gets to the meeting with her father, only to discover he is not her father. She feels so betrayed and runs away from him; he tries to stop her and talk to her, but she resists. He apologizes for his role in her life and allows her to escape the assassin after her. Her adopted father ultimately sacrifices his life to kill the assassin after her, although he cannot kill Marissa (we are not sure why he can't seem to be able to kill Marissa, although he has several opportunities). Marissa chases down Hanna, but in the end Hanna completes her mission and kills Marissa, which, the movie implies, frees her from the past and Marissa's grip.
    But Hanna must deal with some unfortunate truths the movie does not address (I wonder if part two will come out). She is not normal. She has been genetically tinkered with in an effort to produce a "perfect" soldier for the government, someone who is faster, stronger, fearless, and lacks empathy (presumably to kill better). She does not know who her birth father is (a donor of some sort, most likely, or perhaps Eric himself, although all the characters continuously say that Eric is not), and her birth mother was merely a vessel in which to birth her. There were twenty  children experimented on, but Hanna was the only one alive, the only one to escape the massacre fifteen years ago when Eric suddenly grew a conscience. She has been raised to kill, and raised away from society. How can she cope?
    The movie had poor development. The focus seemed disjointed. I liked the plot line but not the way that they presented it and how they tried to develop it without developing.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,


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