Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch
I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.

21 September 2012


We are scrambling to make deadline. Kevin had a dilemma. The photographers, reporters and copyeditors were all looking at proofs, trying to make our pages look perfect.
The first paper looked great in print! 
Day three of the internship. We began at 8 a.m. and ended at 11 p.m., missing dinner. But we made our deadline 45 minutes early, as opposed to right on time. Meeting deadline one minute early is still meeting deadline, right?

We found out at the staff/budget meeting after breakfast, a buffet generously sponsored by one of the members of Society of Professional Journalists, that the printer of the paper, the Miami Herald, thinks the publishing of our paper is important. That's so great!

Everyone really liked Thursday's design. Of course there were issues, as with any publication, and things we could improve on, but overall it was a great first issue. Professionals even complimented the paper.

In addition to laying out pages, I also received a story assignment! It was published on page 12 of the second issue, the one published on Saturday! Check it out here:

I was really excited. It's an honor, it showed my reporting and design skills off to the professionals and other journalists and gave me a byline!

We mostly worked on the issue. I'm learning a lot about working in a group, collaborating and working on a daily, which is exciting. It was day two of working on the second paper and I adjusted to the demanding pace fine; it's just like Mondays at the campus paper, except everyday.

We had about half the stories done, and three stories fell through.
Still, we made deadline.

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