Okay, I'm not saying the show is touting any religious meaning, but I can't ignore the obvious: Prince Charming.
His name is David, he's the son of a shepherd, he became a king when a man lost his son, who was David's brother, and he's heroic. But he had a tragic flaw: he had a moment when he was married and "cheated" on his wife in this world with Snow, even though she was really his wife in Fairy Tale land. David in the Bible cheated with Bethsheba. They both ended up with the woman they really wanted, I suppose.
Um, does anyone see parallels with David in the Bible? Katherine could be Michal, the daughter of a king, and Michal was the daughter of King Saul in the Bible. Michal and Katherine were both whiny and high maintenance, and eventually left their husbands (Katherine sort of left David). King George wants to destroy David's reputation in the eyes of the people in their kingdom, just like King Saul was jealous of how the people of Israel viewed David.
Emma, David's daughter, is meant to save the fairy tale characters from their curse, inflicted on the world by a clever snake (Rumple) who used a woman (Regina) to do it.
David's descendant, Jesus, was meant to save humanity from their curse, inflicted on the world by a clever snake (Satan) who used a woman (Eve) and a man (Adam) to do it.
Fairy tales were always meant to be like morality tales. I guess you just can't take the symbolic meaning out of fairy tales!
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
I am a laid-back person, but I am strong in my beliefs. I do not enjoy other people telling me how to believe or implying that everyone should be the exact same in their thinking. Christ died and rose again to take away away our sins and iniquities, not our minds, and he knitted us together in our mother's womb to make a difference in our world. I love people and God, and I can't wait to reach Heaven!
Thousand Foot Krutch

I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.
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