Yesterday two exciting things happened: The third of the presidential debates and Game Seven for the Cardinals.
The Cardinals lost 9-0 in favor of the Giants in San Francisco. It started pouring in the bottom of the ninth, but alas, the game was not shortened due to a rain delay. I doubt it would done anything but drag out the Cardinals' pain. The Giants got six runs in the first hour. That said it all. See my tweets about the game @rmweatherford1s
I have not yet got to watch the debates or read the transcript of the debates. I am a Cardinals' fan and was rooting for the Cardinals. (They were not impressive, just like the Redhawks at our homecoming game.) Someone did some pre-gaming, and it was not the audience, for both of those games.
There were definitely some memorable moments. I was watching the live tweeting and snarky comments on Twitter. USA Today reported 5 million tweets had been sent about the debates. (Why that's important, I have no idea. Someone was bored on the copy desk or an editor was trying too hard to cover the debates.) I wasn't shocked. Every second there was a new update. I retweeted most of them, both for Romney and Obama and against Romney and Obama.
I had a ball laughing at the tweets and the Facebook comments about the game and the debates. And I had some good comments of my own. I'm not stuck on horses and bayonets, though.
So, for everyone who watched the debate, who won?
The first debate was Romney.
The second debate was probably Obama.
The third debate?
I want to hear your thoughts.
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
I am a laid-back person, but I am strong in my beliefs. I do not enjoy other people telling me how to believe or implying that everyone should be the exact same in their thinking. Christ died and rose again to take away away our sins and iniquities, not our minds, and he knitted us together in our mother's womb to make a difference in our world. I love people and God, and I can't wait to reach Heaven!
Thousand Foot Krutch

I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.
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