Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch
I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.

22 October 2012

France and England

Guess what?

I'm going to Paris and London!

I paid the $995 deposit for my trip to France and England for three credit hours. I only have two physical classes next semester (I have an online class). I have to pay $2200 but I don't have to pay for tuition (covered by scholarships and financial aid). The whole cost will be all my savings from working at Panda over the summer. It's hard to part with it. My heart cried a little, but it's happy knowing it will get to go to Europe essentially. I already have my passport. That's why everything - and anything I want, a Kindle, or a new laptop, or a new iPod, anything but fixing my car - has to wait, so I can pay off this trip. Other than Les Miserables and my phone bill and gas and food, I will do my best not to spend money for the next few weeks. Christmas is no worry because I should have more money by that time (although saving to pay tuition in January will make it tough until I get the refund from the university in February). No one said saving is easy.

I think I had a weird thought that I was already starting to save for my wedding or a new car or something. Then France and England came up, and I decided this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. THIS, for now, was what I had been saving for. And I will begin to save again for a house or a car or my wedding or something. Not sure. But something. The only thing worth waiting for is something you have to save for, in my opinion.

Anyway, of course I will have to blog about Paris and London! Ahhh! It may not be real-time blogging, as dragging a computer on a school trip through Europe is not advisable. It will miss me (if computers have feelings). I will faithfully keep a journal just like I did in Cambodia. So excited.

Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,


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