Three weeks until classes end. I'm basically just preparing for finals and finishing up projects and end of the year activities.
Feel free to help out!
I am conducting a small scale survey on the effect of text message lingo on the English language for my History of the English Language class.
Everyone who isn't in college survey
This is for my UI500 class, the History of the English Language, and for my Sociolinguistics paper. Your answers are helping me out! I need about 15 people to answer. I love you all!
College students survey
Praying you have Faith, Hope and Love,
I am a laid-back person, but I am strong in my beliefs. I do not enjoy other people telling me how to believe or implying that everyone should be the exact same in their thinking. Christ died and rose again to take away away our sins and iniquities, not our minds, and he knitted us together in our mother's womb to make a difference in our world. I love people and God, and I can't wait to reach Heaven!
Thousand Foot Krutch

I love this band. I listen to them daily. Even though we are looking at another camera, we all look like we're alert for it being a fan signing and it's 11:30 p.m. on a Friday.
27 November 2011
Three Weeks
English language,
noncollege students,
text message
21 November 2011
Eudodias Email
This showed up in my email:
The Woman Who Fell Out With Her Friend
Scripture References - Philippians 4:2 (see Acts 16:13-15; 17:12)
Name Meaning - Euodias is actually a man's name. Euodia is its right form here ( Philippians 4:2, rv). Euodias means "prosperous journey" - Euodia, "fragrant." Wilkinson has the note, "Euodia is 'a good journey,' and was used in the colloquial Attic Greek as the French use the expression bon voyage." Euodia is coupled with another female, Syntyche, and both may have been among the women who resorted to prayer at the river bank (Acts 16:13-15), and among the honorable women who believed ( Acts 17:12). Scripture is silent on the genealogy and family association of these two women who, after their conversion became colaborers with Paul in the Gospel (Philippians 4:3). Belonging to a class bespeaking prosperity they doubtless ministered unto Paul of their substances.
At Philippi women were the first hearers of the Gospel and Lydia the first convert. If Euodias and Syntyche were also brought to the Lord there, they naturally took a leading part in teaching the Gospel to other women in a private sphere of labor once the Church had been formed there (1 Timothy 2:11, 12).
When Paul exhorted these two prominent workers to "be of the same mind in the Lord," he implied that they had been previously at variance. What caused the breach between these two deaconesses in the Philippian Church we are not told. Perhaps one had a more dominant personality than the other and received more attention. Whatever the dispute was, it became serious and hindered the work of the Lord, so Paul besought the two women to give up their differences and live at peace in the Lord. The lack of harmony between Euodias and Syntyche disturbed the Apostle, so he urged a reconciliation, for as those professing to be redeemed their whole life should be lived in peace and in an endeavor to please Him who had saved them.
A humorist has suggested that because of the strife between these sisters in Christ they should have been called Odious and Soon-touchy . It was sad that there was this difference of opinion, and more tragic still that divisions have kept Christians apart all down the ages. "How can two walk together except they be agreed?" is an old adage we have lost sight of. We like to believe that Paul did not plead in vain, and that Euodias and Syntyche were completely reconciled and went on unitedly to serve the God of peace. Is there any need of such a reconciliation in your life as a Christian? If so, for the sake of your own peace of heart and your influence in the world, go out and put wrong things right.
Today's reading taken from Herbert Lockyer's "All the Women of the Bible," copyright 1967. Other material copyright 2011 Bible Gateway except where otherwise noted.
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
The Woman Who Fell Out With Her Friend
Scripture References - Philippians 4:2 (see Acts 16:13-15; 17:12)
Name Meaning - Euodias is actually a man's name. Euodia is its right form here ( Philippians 4:2, rv). Euodias means "prosperous journey" - Euodia, "fragrant." Wilkinson has the note, "Euodia is 'a good journey,' and was used in the colloquial Attic Greek as the French use the expression bon voyage." Euodia is coupled with another female, Syntyche, and both may have been among the women who resorted to prayer at the river bank (Acts 16:13-15), and among the honorable women who believed ( Acts 17:12). Scripture is silent on the genealogy and family association of these two women who, after their conversion became colaborers with Paul in the Gospel (Philippians 4:3). Belonging to a class bespeaking prosperity they doubtless ministered unto Paul of their substances.
At Philippi women were the first hearers of the Gospel and Lydia the first convert. If Euodias and Syntyche were also brought to the Lord there, they naturally took a leading part in teaching the Gospel to other women in a private sphere of labor once the Church had been formed there (1 Timothy 2:11, 12).
When Paul exhorted these two prominent workers to "be of the same mind in the Lord," he implied that they had been previously at variance. What caused the breach between these two deaconesses in the Philippian Church we are not told. Perhaps one had a more dominant personality than the other and received more attention. Whatever the dispute was, it became serious and hindered the work of the Lord, so Paul besought the two women to give up their differences and live at peace in the Lord. The lack of harmony between Euodias and Syntyche disturbed the Apostle, so he urged a reconciliation, for as those professing to be redeemed their whole life should be lived in peace and in an endeavor to please Him who had saved them.
A humorist has suggested that because of the strife between these sisters in Christ they should have been called Odious and Soon-touchy . It was sad that there was this difference of opinion, and more tragic still that divisions have kept Christians apart all down the ages. "How can two walk together except they be agreed?" is an old adage we have lost sight of. We like to believe that Paul did not plead in vain, and that Euodias and Syntyche were completely reconciled and went on unitedly to serve the God of peace. Is there any need of such a reconciliation in your life as a Christian? If so, for the sake of your own peace of heart and your influence in the world, go out and put wrong things right.
Today's reading taken from Herbert Lockyer's "All the Women of the Bible," copyright 1967. Other material copyright 2011 Bible Gateway except where otherwise noted.
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
falling out,
11 November 2011
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Well, I haven't had any problems with planes or trains. Big shock, as I have nothing to do with any of them.
It all started with an automobile.
Something messed up over the summer - it literally stranded my sister on the highway to St. Charles, needed a new engine and oil - and since then it's been monthly disasters.
Well, we couldn't get a good car fast enough, so we replaced the engine. Then there were oil problems, problems with keeping oil in it - a leak, plus it needed to be changed (it was long overdue). And now the power steering fluid is leaking, which is probably being chalked up to the new engine, since it wasn't doing it before the new engine.
Now I'm going home. Again. I mean, I may live in Cape Girardeau, but I'm pretty sure I reside in St. Louis, very much so. Then again, I've always mailed packages back to St. Louis because I don't "trust" the school system down here. I am finally sending something to myself down here. (Cape is south of St. Louis, pretty much south of any big city. I love Cape.)
So, compounded with fifteen credit hours, increased responsibility at the Arrow where I work, driving home in October and September to work over 20 hours a weekend, increased responsibility within every student organization I'm involved in, and inter-relational conflict, among other things, it's been stressful.
I love it. I swear I do. (The busyness, not the car trouble.) But man I don't know what else I can handle. At least death isn't being thrown in the mix. Actually, scratch that, a relative did die recently (I'm telling you, it's yearly), but I didn't personally know him - my parents did, though.
My help comes from the Lord, whom I can trust.
Cast all your burdens onto the Lord. Christ shares our yoke, and makes it light and easy. I'm worrying/stressing myself out needlessly. Christ provides, comfort, nurturing, and meeting our basic needs. He always has, always will. I'm going into His strong arms right now.
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
It all started with an automobile.
Something messed up over the summer - it literally stranded my sister on the highway to St. Charles, needed a new engine and oil - and since then it's been monthly disasters.
Well, we couldn't get a good car fast enough, so we replaced the engine. Then there were oil problems, problems with keeping oil in it - a leak, plus it needed to be changed (it was long overdue). And now the power steering fluid is leaking, which is probably being chalked up to the new engine, since it wasn't doing it before the new engine.
Now I'm going home. Again. I mean, I may live in Cape Girardeau, but I'm pretty sure I reside in St. Louis, very much so. Then again, I've always mailed packages back to St. Louis because I don't "trust" the school system down here. I am finally sending something to myself down here. (Cape is south of St. Louis, pretty much south of any big city. I love Cape.)
So, compounded with fifteen credit hours, increased responsibility at the Arrow where I work, driving home in October and September to work over 20 hours a weekend, increased responsibility within every student organization I'm involved in, and inter-relational conflict, among other things, it's been stressful.
I love it. I swear I do. (The busyness, not the car trouble.) But man I don't know what else I can handle. At least death isn't being thrown in the mix. Actually, scratch that, a relative did die recently (I'm telling you, it's yearly), but I didn't personally know him - my parents did, though.
My help comes from the Lord, whom I can trust.
Cast all your burdens onto the Lord. Christ shares our yoke, and makes it light and easy. I'm worrying/stressing myself out needlessly. Christ provides, comfort, nurturing, and meeting our basic needs. He always has, always will. I'm going into His strong arms right now.
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
08 November 2011
Life and death is in the hands of God.
But they are also in spoken word. The spoken language is as natural to man as anything, unlike the written word, which must be learned. But when people are deprived of the spoken word, of the love that comes out through speech, their lives spin down an irreversible spiral of blackness leading to death.
You may say that isn't true. Words don't matter.
You'd be lying.
They do. Oh, they do.
It has been seen numerous times. We see it best in severely neglected children, such as Danielle , a girl so neglected that she could only communicate in grunts. Her eyes were distant and vacant. No one had spoken to her; she could not speak at all, despite having a mother and two adult brothers. Or the baby primates who, despite the fact that they were starving, crawled into the comforting arms rather than taking food from mechanical arms.
We see it in the babies in Romania, who died or were irrevisibly damaged from being left in rooms or in cribs and subjected to only the basic necessities - but received no love or affection or words of affirmation.
Words are everything. A negative word, a positive word. Both can uplift or depress. The way they are spoken - I love you said harshly means something different than I love you said lovingly and gently - also matters.
I made a vow today that I would speak more positive, uplifting words, as much as possible, words that give life instead of death. It will be a hard change, but one that will be worth it a thousand times over.
If I do not do what I know is right, if I am not a light in my little world, who will be? If not me, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where?
All people have are their words.
Who else will make such a vow, and keep it?
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
But they are also in spoken word. The spoken language is as natural to man as anything, unlike the written word, which must be learned. But when people are deprived of the spoken word, of the love that comes out through speech, their lives spin down an irreversible spiral of blackness leading to death.
You may say that isn't true. Words don't matter.
You'd be lying.
They do. Oh, they do.
It has been seen numerous times. We see it best in severely neglected children, such as Danielle , a girl so neglected that she could only communicate in grunts. Her eyes were distant and vacant. No one had spoken to her; she could not speak at all, despite having a mother and two adult brothers. Or the baby primates who, despite the fact that they were starving, crawled into the comforting arms rather than taking food from mechanical arms.
We see it in the babies in Romania, who died or were irrevisibly damaged from being left in rooms or in cribs and subjected to only the basic necessities - but received no love or affection or words of affirmation.
Words are everything. A negative word, a positive word. Both can uplift or depress. The way they are spoken - I love you said harshly means something different than I love you said lovingly and gently - also matters.
I made a vow today that I would speak more positive, uplifting words, as much as possible, words that give life instead of death. It will be a hard change, but one that will be worth it a thousand times over.
If I do not do what I know is right, if I am not a light in my little world, who will be? If not me, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where?
All people have are their words.
Who else will make such a vow, and keep it?
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
03 November 2011
Chapbook Ideas
Ideas for my Chapbook
black or putered
gold or silver
or red - embossed and shiny --- fire ---- ribbon
textured black
Scrapbooking letters in this font?
Colors agree with each other
Red and Black
---- Red, orange, yellow mix paper color (for background - this would represent heat)
and nice heavy duty paper (Staples ---- may be cheapest, get in bulk not individual pieces, Hobby Lobby - individual pieces)
8 - 9 pieces of inside paper
The Spirit Press
Mission statement editing
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
black or putered
gold or silver
or red - embossed and shiny --- fire ---- ribbon
textured black
Scrapbooking letters in this font?
Colors agree with each other
Red and Black
---- Red, orange, yellow mix paper color (for background - this would represent heat)
and nice heavy duty paper (Staples ---- may be cheapest, get in bulk not individual pieces, Hobby Lobby - individual pieces)
8 - 9 pieces of inside paper
The Spirit Press
Mission statement editing
Praying you have faith, hope, and love always,
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